jessamyn: Started the day with getting my key from the key guy
jessamyn: then my ID (shut up about the photo) and my parking tag
jessamyn: I also got a code for the copy machine
jessamyn: my classrooms and office are in this building. So Vermont-y!
jessamyn: and a phone
jessamyn: I made myself a name sign
jessamyn: Clock problem, solved!
jessamyn: I don't know what this did but I kept turning it.
jessamyn: And in social media news, I am now mayor of VTC as well as being an adjunct lecturer
jessamyn: Teacher's Lounge looks about like you would expect
jessamyn: Various ominous warnings in the lab I teach in
jessamyn: not the lab I teach in
jessamyn: spruced up my office a little
jessamyn: The card was written in HTML (from Jim)
jessamyn: Some secret brutalist spots
jessamyn: WARNINGS
jessamyn: Cool art in the stairwell
jessamyn: Some schools have maps of the world on the wall...
jessamyn: I found the answer key!
jessamyn: CHAMPION
jessamyn: Secret cabinet stuff?
jessamyn: The benefit of teaching somewhere with an orchard
jessamyn: I teach kids how to irgnore warnings
jessamyn: in the teacher's lounge