jessamyn: "Decker knows how to use pillows!"
jessamyn: Casey
jessamyn: Guestroom, Boxborough MA
jessamyn: Ike
jessamyn: Gypsy the kitty
jessamyn: anabelle you sultry temptress
jessamyn: Sophie, with squash
jessamyn: snag, looking normal
jessamyn: marion and gnarls
jessamyn: Maggie
jessamyn: Frigga
jessamyn: a cat named Miss Kitty
jessamyn: a rabbit named Fred
jessamyn: a bird named Bird
jessamyn: I will always love the false memory I had of you
jessamyn: regal kitty - the big delicious
jessamyn: me and my goofy friends
jessamyn: happy birthday dave, here is a wet dog
jessamyn: Samson
jessamyn: oh lyle, you are airborne
jessamyn: Roswell, doing what he does so well
jessamyn: Yorvit in a rare calm moment
jessamyn: boo inspects more
jessamyn: good morning puppa!
jessamyn: tofino
jessamyn: Casey & Newton
jessamyn: Rachel and Willa
jessamyn: Irving's Cat
jessamyn: Dawn likes her new dog
jessamyn: Rosie