jessamyn: Guestroom, New Stanton PA
jessamyn: I don't know where everybody is
jessamyn: night time scene
jessamyn: Guestroom Cuba, MO
jessamyn: where the roads just have letters instead of names
jessamyn: Missouri Rest Area
jessamyn: payphones
jessamyn: someone lives on PP road
jessamyn: Books, Carthage Library
jessamyn: welcome to Galena KS
jessamyn: Route 66 painted on the higway
jessamyn: Nostalgic sign
jessamyn: Route 66 in Commerce
jessamyn: route 66 cookies
jessamyn: Route 66/Stop sign
jessamyn: Route 66 falls apart in some places
jessamyn: The nation's largest McDonalds?
jessamyn: Random sign on gas pump
jessamyn: OK is not OK
jessamyn: Guestroom, Shamrock TX
jessamyn: Irish Inn
jessamyn: Waffle House is Patriotic
jessamyn: fun phonebook game
jessamyn: vaguely ominous pool area
jessamyn: former stairs?
jessamyn: I swear they were ripping this place apart as I was leaving
jessamyn: Lone Star
jessamyn: picnic area
jessamyn: So much sky
jessamyn: Texas Rest Area bathroom