jessamyn: Preparing the desserts
jessamyn: Intellectual freedom!
jessamyn: Texans Love Libraries
jessamyn: BANANARCHY
jessamyn: "they gave me this ribbon"
jessamyn: Bananarchy
jessamyn: the best pool I never swam in
jessamyn: "I don't think we're at SouthBy anymore..."
jessamyn: Dewey Decimator @ Rally for Texas Libraries
jessamyn: Rally for Texas Libraries
jessamyn: The Sexual Disaster Industry
jessamyn: Austin Public Library - Terrazas branch
jessamyn: at the corner of Cesar Chavez and San Marcos
jessamyn: Guestroom Austin TX
jessamyn: Austin Public Library cell phone area
jessamyn: Guestroom, Austin TX
jessamyn: Guestroom, Austin TX
jessamyn: Kevin Smokler works the room
jessamyn: walking across the river
jessamyn: obligatory: my audience
jessamyn: obligator "hey here's the new ipad"
jessamyn: obligatory: me and my terrific panelist Fiona Morgan
jessamyn: PUSH
jessamyn: Twin Oaks Branch, Austin Public Library