jessamyn: My MetaFilter shirt arrived!
jessamyn: airport chapel
jessamyn: en route
jessamyn: Guestroom, New Orleans
jessamyn: ColdChef arrives with the grub
jessamyn: Alligator Sausage!
jessamyn: KEEP OUT
jessamyn: house cat
jessamyn: bathroom cat
jessamyn: "hold still you two"
jessamyn: GregNog
jessamyn: Guestroom, New Orleans
jessamyn: top of the stairs at The Columns
jessamyn: up the stairs at the columns
jessamyn: Function room, pre-function
jessamyn: Beignets!
jessamyn: we rode the streetcar!
jessamyn: your guess is as good as mine
jessamyn: mugging for the camera
jessamyn: Blur, our newest MeFite
jessamyn: did not see this shoutout materialize on flickr yet
jessamyn: I'm pretty sure we did no permanent damage
jessamyn: not_on_display's shoutout
jessamyn: ColdChef brought prizes
jessamyn: "Who invited Miguel Cardoso?"
jessamyn: UNITY
jessamyn: crack & roses
jessamyn: Goodbye Breakfast for MeFi10
jessamyn: telecommuting, big easy style
jessamyn: you are in danger if you set foot on this golf course