jessamyn: gall?
jessamyn: moss
jessamyn: hello
jessamyn: little pinecone by littler fern
jessamyn: "put your chin down"
jessamyn: "If we get lost and die in the woods, they'll use this photo in the newspaper article about us"
jessamyn: bug in eye outtake
jessamyn: angle root
jessamyn: chair for one
jessamyn: jim takes in the view
jessamyn: look what we found!
jessamyn: Yay hooray, I hold up the sky
jessamyn: stone wall in the woods
jessamyn: Saturday night with Ubuntu
jessamyn: MetaFilter via lynx
jessamyn: Parade 1
jessamyn: Cardinal at my window
jessamyn: Parade 2
jessamyn: blurry bee
jessamyn: lilacs in barn
jessamyn: path to the river
jessamyn: The Fort - exit 18
jessamyn: warm driveway, tired painters
jessamyn: Memorial Day
jessamyn: forrest loves tippy