jessamyn: guestroom, somerville ma
jessamyn: the niftiest little dead end hallway in all of Logan Airport
jessamyn: getting off the bus at midnight-ish, I saw this
jessamyn: guestroom, Austin TX
jessamyn: my kickball team
jessamyn: Mike kicks
jessamyn: why I love tech conferences
jessamyn: in the green room
jessamyn: during our panel
jessamyn: hilton lobby hangout
jessamyn: Wes grins
jessamyn: Steve explains
jessamyn: MetaFilter Meetup
jessamyn: OLPC and formidable metal object
jessamyn: Sam explains the OLPC
jessamyn: OLPC demos
jessamyn: NO MO W
jessamyn: Mexican American Cultural Center
jessamyn: Derek talks about crazy people
jessamyn: Ariel talks about her first off-island date
jessamyn: wifi @ APL
jessamyn: APL has nicer bathrooms than the convention center
jessamyn: snack zone @ your library
jessamyn: heavy metal book cart
jessamyn: texas classroom teachers association
jessamyn: listening to someone propose to their girlfriend at the Q&A at the keynote
jessamyn: outdoor kitty watches the cars go by
jessamyn: a cat named Miss Kitty
jessamyn: a rabbit named Fred
jessamyn: a bird named Bird