jessamyn: IMG_2080
jessamyn: dj/david & adriana
jessamyn: Pat MacMillan 1941-2007
jessamyn: Jordan's Kitchen
jessamyn: Fil
jessamyn: bartriv1.jpg
jessamyn: Rick Prelinger, thinking
jessamyn: this is the picture of my friend sarah
jessamyn: jim sitting up
jessamyn: Shut the truck up
jessamyn: Michael posing with bundt concrete boot scraper
jessamyn: kangaroo are serious business
jessamyn: Out To Lunch
jessamyn: I finally meet anil!
jessamyn: steve and vera
jessamyn: dan & kathryn
jessamyn: adam ponders
jessamyn: waggish!
jessamyn: robert at home
jessamyn: robbyn and Elsie
jessamyn: Jill and Jameson
jessamyn: caption contest
jessamyn: stan makes faces at milk
jessamyn: Forrest likes the Spirit of America
jessamyn: Stumptown, with Lisa
jessamyn: Steve and Sara and Me
jessamyn: Harvey Girls & Me
jessamyn: gordon and cheese head
jessamyn: the whole family
jessamyn: rick with dessert