jessamyn: Guestroom, Seattle WA
jessamyn: view from the lookout
jessamyn: public stairwell
jessamyn: afterthought book display
jessamyn: always remember who is most important
jessamyn: The Seattle Public Library
jessamyn: we love books so much we lock them in glass cases so nothing bad will ever happen to them
jessamyn: more than anything it reminds me of a veterinarian's office
jessamyn: see? simple!
jessamyn: you could, you know, put a MAP up in the map room...
jessamyn: there's no place like home
jessamyn: Why good signage matters [aka you are fooling no one]
jessamyn: vertical file
jessamyn: this is how seattle always looks in my mind
jessamyn: bee amid petals
jessamyn: bee alights
jessamyn: Sound installation at Western Bridge
jessamyn: scott and dale
jessamyn: anabelle you sultry temptress
jessamyn: dawn, on a walk
jessamyn: flower
jessamyn: walkway in mount holly someplace
jessamyn: procession from wedding to reception
jessamyn: veronika and oskar
jessamyn: volunteer park & space needle
jessamyn: asian art museum during the day
jessamyn: drew & regan
jessamyn: wedding cake
jessamyn: micah and future wife
jessamyn: asian art museum at night