jessamyn: Houston Public Library, temporary building
jessamyn: Houston Public Library
jessamyn: Staff Recommendations
jessamyn: Front Door, with Reader
jessamyn: Central Library CLOSED
jessamyn: tunnel
jessamyn: skinned rabbit
jessamyn: another tunnel
jessamyn: jambalaya lunch
jessamyn: Jessamyn Jessamyn Jessamyn
jessamyn: from the front
jessamyn: my talk!
jessamyn: Follow me to the Library
jessamyn: Guestroom, Houston TX
jessamyn: Houston TX
jessamyn: Thunderstorm rolls out
jessamyn: Dear Hilton Hotels, please fire your proofreader I
jessamyn: Dear Hilton Hotels, please fire your proofreader II
jessamyn: Dear Hilton Hotels, please fire your proofreader III
jessamyn: Dear Hilton Hotels, please fire your proofreader IIII
jessamyn: Hilton
jessamyn: MFAH
jessamyn: Winslow Homer
jessamyn: Tiffany
jessamyn: Richter
jessamyn: Richter, detail
jessamyn: Richter, this way to the parking garage
jessamyn: crown
jessamyn: camel, for kate
jessamyn: sculpture