jessamyn: Mary's House
jessamyn: Guestroom, Brattleboro VT
jessamyn: Marlboro: the view from here
jessamyn: Rice-Aron library, Marlboro College
jessamyn: please remove your boots
jessamyn: free books
jessamyn: Mark Anderson's Plan
jessamyn: Jared's office
jessamyn: flyers
jessamyn: street signs
jessamyn: Halifax: Jared & Corin's house
jessamyn: mudroom
jessamyn: more mudroom
jessamyn: Ketzel
jessamyn: guestroom, Halifax VT
jessamyn: pump
jessamyn: the view from here
jessamyn: the room right before my talk
jessamyn: book signing
jessamyn: hello? hello?
jessamyn: iron-y
jessamyn: "guestroom" Long Branch NJ
jessamyn: Hoboken, NJ
jessamyn: Flags Only!