thesylvia: MoMA
thesylvia: vivitar_迷幻碼頭
thesylvia: FM2_寒梅(1)
thesylvia: FM2_Good Day
thesylvia: LCA_R2_捲二 - Mt. Hehaun / 上合歡山
thesylvia: mju2_reflection
thesylvia: FM2_太空玲瓏屋
thesylvia: XA_恐龍在天
thesylvia: Autumn Leaves
thesylvia: FM2_ elegant
thesylvia: mju2_迷幻二寮
thesylvia: FM2_Love me
thesylvia: George Peabody Library
thesylvia: FM2_Konica C35 E&L
thesylvia: FM2_每到夏天我要去海邊~
thesylvia: FM2_小巷風光
thesylvia: 36390005
thesylvia: 71410026
thesylvia: 小田本‧舞妓
thesylvia: XA_水中風車 / modern windmills in the water
thesylvia: XA_靜待‧那片藍 / waiting for the big blue
thesylvia: 霧中花
thesylvia: Horizon202_Lanyu, Lanyu
thesylvia: カメラ日和 @ Forro Cafe'
thesylvia: FM2_花枝招展
thesylvia: [mobile]826與魚共眠 / Aquarium Sleepovers
thesylvia: 44630005_1
thesylvia: FM2_Konica C35
thesylvia: [Diana mini] 七星潭
thesylvia: vivitar_高美濕地 / Gaomei Wetland