iamsmallhall: Band stand at Le Jardin du Luxembourg
iamsmallhall: Mum and David on the Eurostar
iamsmallhall: Duncan negotiating with Alexandra
iamsmallhall: Mum and Alexandra
iamsmallhall: Family in Paris
iamsmallhall: Mr Nick in Paris
iamsmallhall: Mary and Alexandra
iamsmallhall: Alexandra
iamsmallhall: David, Nick and mum
iamsmallhall: David, Nick and mum
iamsmallhall: Alexandra, mum and David
iamsmallhall: Alexandra and mum
iamsmallhall: Duncan and Mary
iamsmallhall: Mum's birthday meal
iamsmallhall: Sandy and Geoff
iamsmallhall: Mary and Alexandra
iamsmallhall: Happy Birthday mum!
iamsmallhall: Paris buskers
iamsmallhall: Typical Parisian cafe