chris_lawson: Happy days
chris_lawson: Toxic yellow stuff
chris_lawson: Yoda - Gangees steps
chris_lawson: Rubbish and boat
chris_lawson: Fruit stalls from above
chris_lawson: Indian head
chris_lawson: Sleepy bird man
chris_lawson: Tuc tuc smile
chris_lawson: Airport security
chris_lawson: Red beard
chris_lawson: Bike man
chris_lawson: Lesson number one...
chris_lawson: Happy kids
chris_lawson: Check out my beautiful garden
chris_lawson: They did not like the camera
chris_lawson: Manky monkey, poor chap
chris_lawson: Fly nose
chris_lawson: Fly man
chris_lawson: Father and son
chris_lawson: Leprosy
chris_lawson: Fruit man
chris_lawson: No blinking competition
chris_lawson: Popeye
chris_lawson: I love you. Not now, we are supposed to be working!
chris_lawson: Overload
chris_lawson: Crack head
chris_lawson: The Ambassador cyclist
chris_lawson: Cute kid
chris_lawson: Cheeky monkey
chris_lawson: 3am - Alarm clocks