iamglenn: when we leave, brodie will miss.
iamglenn: this is my favorite picture, probably for the year.
iamglenn: My sister came properly dressed for golf, hole in one ready.
iamglenn: Perfect Form.
iamglenn: See look at him, that anger he's getting out.
iamglenn: Me, Drew taught me how to play. What can I say? Learn from the best.
iamglenn: Welcome to my messy, girl included room. She's adorable and cozy waking up with.
iamglenn: I like golf, and golfing, for free, check out my hitting stick.
iamglenn: arriving at wal mart
iamglenn: off the car.
iamglenn: drew
iamglenn: brodie
iamglenn: double trouble
iamglenn: we feed the dogs this way
iamglenn: steve came
iamglenn: IMG_3332
iamglenn: IMG_3331
iamglenn: IMG_3330
iamglenn: i like teh puppy
iamglenn: look where this hoe hid at
iamglenn: IMG_3305
iamglenn: i got her with brown powder
iamglenn: in trouble
iamglenn: "yeah dude, crab cakes are cooking"
iamglenn: cousin
iamglenn: ollie is a little bitch
iamglenn: they kept eating my stuff so i moved