permanently scatterbrained:
"It's your turn. I'm tired from 45 straight minutes of Tagalog pop songs."
permanently scatterbrained:
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The next episode
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Defending the last gallon of mom's special adobo.
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Discussing how to put a hit on Hyman Roth, who has been hiding out in Mindanao
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Another flattering picture of the Deuce
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"Enough pictures. Let's go eat a goat's head."
permanently scatterbrained:
So this is either a prom for dateless Filipino wonders, or an oddly posed family picture of the girls only
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Waiting in line for turkey and/or Pearl Jam tickets
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The Uncles
permanently scatterbrained:
Steve Nash + Scottie Pippen + Emilio Aguinaldo = My Cousin Myan
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this picture pretty much explains why i stopped drinking jack daniels
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They say "A family that prays together stays together"/And one that walks apart just falls apart
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The Losing, yet cooler looking, Team
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Andris Biedrins dunking over nine people, eight of which were his own teammates
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The Winning Team
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Crazy Man leading a song and dance
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Warriors Bandwagon Fan
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permanently scatterbrained:
The Newer New Radicals
permanently scatterbrained:
permanently scatterbrained:
prepping for the first Lotionographers show ever.
permanently scatterbrained:
permanently scatterbrained:
"I don't know what they want from me, it's more like the more two dollar bills I come across, the more problems I see."
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How To Be a Hype Beast, Issue 01
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How To Be a Hype Beast, Issue 02
permanently scatterbrained:
How To Be a Hype Beast, Issue 03
permanently scatterbrained:
Telesforo Molina, Sr.