permanently scatterbrained: welcome to Rome
permanently scatterbrained: a real Roman wall outside of the train station
permanently scatterbrained: same wall, Rome.
permanently scatterbrained: cow head outside of tacky roman eatery in train station
permanently scatterbrained: train station exterior
permanently scatterbrained: Roman Subway system
permanently scatterbrained: tourists milling about.
permanently scatterbrained: Colosseum looking monumentally large
permanently scatterbrained: looking for tourist stuff
permanently scatterbrained: next to the Colosseum: the Arch of Constantine
permanently scatterbrained: midday at the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: exterior of Colosseum with bird flying around.
permanently scatterbrained: looking out at the Forum, the Arch of Constantine, the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: crumbling facade of the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: finding a quiet place to relax by the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: road up by the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: chilling out in front of the Colosseum in a No Limit Records shirt and a Montreal Expos hat.
permanently scatterbrained: in line to get inside the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: the line for the Colosseum
permanently scatterbrained: Colosseum Architecture
permanently scatterbrained: The Arch of Contantine
permanently scatterbrained: columns on the ancient Roman Forum
permanently scatterbrained: Ancient Roman Forum ruins
permanently scatterbrained: another fancy fucking arch
permanently scatterbrained: The famous Roman Forum
permanently scatterbrained: through a big ancient doorway.
permanently scatterbrained: ah, the majesty of ancient rome