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Welcome to Bratislava
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Hungarian countryside from a train
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Budapest train station
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Budapest train station.
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Budapest train station
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Budapest train schedule.
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Che Guevara, Tupac posters for sale in Budapest train station.
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high ceilings of Budapest train station
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Jewish Temple in Budapest.
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Jewish Temple in Budapest from a cab
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downtown Budapest
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Budapest Central
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Budapest Bridge by night
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Budapest nights
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inside of Budapest bath house.
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Inside of Budapest bath house
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view from our hostel window.
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me with cute Hungarian girl named Zuzan
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what the hell is wrong with me.
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Grant with Hungarian law student Gabriel
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talking about law, the fall of socialism, and britney spears
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Gabriel and Zuzan
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Me with drunk Hungarian English Major.
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dudes rocking to GNR on the juke box
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Me with Alexander the Hungarian.
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grant and alexander
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talking about basketball with this big dude Alexander
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typical Hungarian bar
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Grant spitting mad game at Zuzan
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thad after a hearty Hungarian meal.