Iain Tait: Me and Sophie - tired and emotional
Iain Tait: Big Chill - Lights
Iain Tait: Neil
Iain Tait: CIMG2140.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2139.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2138.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2137.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2136.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2135.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2134.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2125.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2122.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2118.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2117.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2111.JPG
Iain Tait: CIMG2110.JPG
Iain Tait: Big Chill Toilets by Night
Iain Tait: CIMG2107.JPG
Iain Tait: On the Ground at The Big Chill
Iain Tait: Towards the Lake
Iain Tait: Finlandia Bar at Big Chill
Iain Tait: Cookie with Wine
Iain Tait: Cookie with Balloons
Iain Tait: Gareth and Friend
Iain Tait: Sophie from Above
Iain Tait: Bent LIve at Big Chill
Iain Tait: Bent Live at Big Chill 2
Iain Tait: Bent Live at Big Chill 3
Iain Tait: Sophie and Emma
Iain Tait: Sophie's Dirty Back