IAEA Imagebank: Different types of phantoms (02910511)
IAEA Imagebank: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) realistic phantom (02910513)
IAEA Imagebank: Chest Phantom (02910516)
IAEA Imagebank: Chest Phantom (02910518)
IAEA Imagebank: Male Bottle Mannequin Absorption (BOMAB) (02910519)
IAEA Imagebank: whole body phantom (02910523)
IAEA Imagebank: Female Bottle Mannequin Absorption Phantom (02910525)
IAEA Imagebank: Calibration Phantoms (02910527)
IAEA Imagebank: knee-leg phantom (02910528)
IAEA Imagebank: cover plate of a knee-leg phantom (02910532)
IAEA Imagebank: knee-leg phantom (02910514)
IAEA Imagebank: Chest Plate Phantom (02910534)