~Craig~: Kids are naturally curious.
~Craig~: more than this............you know there's nothing
~Craig~: I know eye know. Photos of Jasper are getting so cliche.
~Craig~: Life is not always fair. Sometimes you get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow. ~Terri Guillemets
~Craig~: I want to break your bottle and spill out all your charms..
~Craig~: ~through a crystal haze~
~Craig~: de de de de de de de de de de
~Craig~: the good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
~Craig~: the passions of the earth blasted it's mind....
~Craig~: my plan is to just wing it and have a good time...
~Craig~: he hears the silence howling...
~Craig~: thank you for the party... but I could never stay
~Craig~: and all i've ever seen will be forgotten..