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Monochrome Bokeh Thursday by ~Craig~
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“You live your life at the time you live it -- you don't have much of an overview when what's happening to you is still happening.”
all things in time
you gotta scrape that shit right off your shoes..
all the beaches were closed..
some people should never smile~
and they hide their faces..and they hide their eyes
the passions of the earth blasted it's mind....
what happened to the lions...
a hundred miles is not too far.. unless you have to walk
“but it's so hard to dance that way when it's cold and there's no music.” ― Tom Waits
those moments of which we never speak
we'll see the city's ripped backsides
I've said enough...
thank you for the party... but I could never stay
sunshine bores the daylights out of me...
they welcome every pleasurable moment as it unravels..
when the moon peeks over that mountain..
i can't retire, i have a cat to support
the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own