{Emily}: He told me one time he forgot himself
{Emily}: She learned to love him
{Emily}: I always imagine the worst possible thing that can happen, she told me. It gives me a great excuse to stay home & have tea.
{Emily}: Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. ~Ernest Hemingway
{Emily}: They don't have very long memories, so every morning seems like a miracle.
{Emily}: Waiting for Spring
{Emily}: It's spring fever.
{Emily}: I don't really like coffee, she said..
{Emily}: Breathe
{Emily}: "Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flowers"
{Emily}: Kitch is kewl!
{Emily}: "I've learned not to look too closely
{Emily}: “There’s great beauty on this world if you just have the eyes to see it.”
{Emily}: Holding On...
{Emily}: .....
{Emily}: “I wish you could step out of yourself and just look.”
{Emily}: With the passage of time, even the strongest of bonds become fragile.
{Emily}: “This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime.”
{Emily}: I tried to remember how to exhale. I had to look away before it came back to me
{Emily}: “What a beautiful death to die in the arms of your passion.”
{Emily}: I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart — I’ve left it with you.
{Emily}: “Some things are true whether you believe in them or not.”
{Emily}: Just give me a minute to restart my heart.
{Emily}: “Nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget.
{Emily}: “Without suffering there would be no compassion.”
{Emily}: ....
{Emily}: “What I want to do and what I do are two separate things. If we went around always doing what we want, there’d be chaos.”
{Emily}: “Artists have the power through our imagination to escape the general world and create a better one.”
{Emily}: Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.