Istvan: "The Honour Roll" - Cour de Louvre Sculptures Mosaic
Istvan: Palast der Republik, Summer 1977
Istvan: Olafur Eliasson: The Weather Project
Istvan: Running Away
Istvan: Pigeon London Eye
Istvan: Happy People Under Tour Eiffel
Istvan: The Genius of Chic
Istvan: Andrássy Castle, Tiszadob, Hungary
Istvan: Karluv Most by Night, Prague
Istvan: Head
Istvan: Looking at You
Istvan: Vác Gates & Doors - The "Portrait" Collection
Istvan: Eiffel Clouds
Istvan: The Beautiful Hungarian Art Nouveau (15) - The Cifra Palota Palace
Istvan: Zvonárska Street Orthodox Synagogue, Košice
Istvan: Írók Boltja, A Bookshop in Budapest
Istvan: A Cheerful Company of Youth in Pula, Croatia
Istvan: Sun Reflection Covered by a Boat on Malá Strana, Prague
Istvan: Bratislava On the Corner
Istvan: A Bench
Istvan: Happiness
Istvan: Frogs on Wall
Istvan: Four
Istvan: Sunlit Cows / Half of Them Are in Shadow
Istvan: Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi: Newton
Istvan: 6 Paris Ceilings, #3: Centre Georges Pompidou
Istvan: Sempervivum Flowers-in-Progress
Istvan: Synagogue, Marosvásárhely
Istvan: Mill in Prague
Istvan: Needles & Pins