i am The Justice League: Yup, that is Ghost The Musical.
i am The Justice League: Lion at Trafalgar Square
i am The Justice League: Column in Trafalgar Square
i am The Justice League: King Edwards' Wife's Arch (I think)
i am The Justice League: Women of WWII Memorial
i am The Justice League: Downing Street
i am The Justice League: Westminster Abbey
i am The Justice League: The clock tower formerly known as Big Ben
i am The Justice League: Don't know what this is called but is diagonal from Big Ben
i am The Justice League: The Eye of London
i am The Justice League: Us and Mr. Ben
i am The Justice League: Addie and Parliament
i am The Justice League: Addie and Parliament
i am The Justice League: The Thames and the Eye
i am The Justice League: LIVING ROBOTS!!!!
i am The Justice League: 24 Hour player
i am The Justice League: Our classmates
i am The Justice League: Cruise boat on the Thames
i am The Justice League: Addie and the skyline
i am The Justice League: Where you going? NOWHERE!!!
i am The Justice League: Whole group photo