i am The Justice League: Addie in her first "big" snow
i am The Justice League: Addie in the snow
i am The Justice League: No driving today
i am The Justice League: Neighbor's patio
i am The Justice League: Side of our place
i am The Justice League: Steam (it's hard to see but it is there)
i am The Justice League: Addie getting more bundled against the wind
i am The Justice League: a TON of snow on the hood of that car
i am The Justice League: Addie in her first snow in the falls
i am The Justice League: our neighbor's door
i am The Justice League: The cars in snow
i am The Justice League: it started last night
i am The Justice League: ghetto galoshes
i am The Justice League: view from our porch
i am The Justice League: neighbor's patio
i am The Justice League: You can not tell, but she is smiling
i am The Justice League: taking pictures of snowy stuff
i am The Justice League: walking in the snow