heather.rosner: Babycakes
heather.rosner: C E L E B R A T E
heather.rosner: Ace is a wine snob
heather.rosner: Karin in action
heather.rosner: IMG_0921
heather.rosner: Zach's Grandma Dorothy & Uncle Jeff
heather.rosner: Karin and Gary
heather.rosner: Not the best photo
heather.rosner: S H O O T
heather.rosner: S I S T E R S
heather.rosner: Schlungster
heather.rosner: CANON to CANON
heather.rosner: Zeke & J Lo
heather.rosner: Allen's Christmas camo onesie
heather.rosner: M I M O S A S
heather.rosner: This wig looks real on everyone
heather.rosner: Curly Curly Permu
heather.rosner: H A I R Y
heather.rosner: F I F T E E N.... A G A I N
heather.rosner: M A G E N T A
heather.rosner: See what I mean
heather.rosner: What is Elliot thinking?
heather.rosner: A good look for Ciao