heather.rosner: We drove all night and we got nowhere.
heather.rosner: Welcome...
heather.rosner: Dirty Donkey
heather.rosner: Me and Little Paint had a moment. Strong sniffs and muzzle-nuzzles.
heather.rosner: Made of bones
heather.rosner: We will all turn to dust.
heather.rosner: Have you been here before?
heather.rosner: Everyone participates
heather.rosner: Little orange hammer.
heather.rosner: Before the dust storms.
heather.rosner: Intern at Dust Camp
heather.rosner: Dreaded Woman
heather.rosner: I wish I hadn't found out this was fake hair.
heather.rosner: Beautiful Mobile
heather.rosner: Sean love Mon
heather.rosner: Keeping it cool
heather.rosner: Wagon drives the playa
heather.rosner: DSC05304
heather.rosner: Good Omens
heather.rosner: Turtle power
heather.rosner: DSC05307
heather.rosner: We danced behind these tv screens at night.
heather.rosner: DSC05309
heather.rosner: DSC05310
heather.rosner: DSC05315
heather.rosner: Touch the sky
heather.rosner: The OT bus
heather.rosner: DSC05321
heather.rosner: Creatures on The Bummer