heather.rosner: Winners!
heather.rosner: ". . .and even dragons have their ending"
heather.rosner: Sugar, Coffee, Lemon, and Vodka, a Perfect Recipe 4 Creature Disaster.
heather.rosner: Bartender Bret
heather.rosner: DSC03925
heather.rosner: ¿Yo No Tengo Idea?
heather.rosner: DSC03928
heather.rosner: Seattle and San Francisco
heather.rosner: Having Fun!
heather.rosner: Choke and Clover
heather.rosner: DSC03940
heather.rosner: Brett Gives Travis Latte Tips
heather.rosner: Making Coffee for Drunk Idiots!
heather.rosner: DSC03943
heather.rosner: It Appears Longo's Holding It Together!
heather.rosner: The Dragon Didn't Guard My Gate
heather.rosner: Dotz & Featherz
heather.rosner: DSC03947
heather.rosner: Party in the Valiant
heather.rosner: Brett's Holding Mon Down.
heather.rosner: Positive Vibrations
heather.rosner: DSC03954
heather.rosner: DSC03955
heather.rosner: DSC03956
heather.rosner: We're About to Get Tossed Out