heather.rosner: Tres Criaturas
heather.rosner: Yes, she brought Harry Potter
heather.rosner: Don't let the smiles fool you, these girls are armed
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heather.rosner: Muy Frio
heather.rosner: I'm here too
heather.rosner: Megan's a beauty
heather.rosner: Handsome
heather.rosner: 2 Cute 4 the inkwells
heather.rosner: Maine Bound
heather.rosner: Megan's got a way with dogs
heather.rosner: Jump down
heather.rosner: Sean & Francisco make friends
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heather.rosner: Sunday Happiness
heather.rosner: Hi Bella
heather.rosner: Mopeds Are For Lovers!
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heather.rosner: DSC02096.JPG
heather.rosner: DSC02097.JPG
heather.rosner: The locals are friendly
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heather.rosner: Rock Lounging
heather.rosner: Swamp Thing Tattoo on his back Guy did a swan dive into this tiny watering hole
heather.rosner: 20 Questions; I win