ILikePhotos!: Urftstaumauer
ILikePhotos!: Taken for Our Daily Challenge: Celebrate
ILikePhotos!: Pairing time
ILikePhotos!: Cold Hands
ILikePhotos!: Stamen of an Amaryllis
ILikePhotos!: Our Daily Challenge: SO NICE TO COME HOME TO
ILikePhotos!: It's not tea, it's water
ILikePhotos!: Backlight
ILikePhotos!: Star Anise/Sternanis
ILikePhotos!: Maple Fruits/Ahorn Früchte
ILikePhotos!: Pyracantha coccinea
ILikePhotos!: Obersee
ILikePhotos!: Ausblick über den Rhein in der Nähe von Burg Ockenfels bei Linz am Rhein
ILikePhotos!: Old telephone cell in a garden {Explored}
ILikePhotos!: Playing
ILikePhotos!: Wildschwein/Wild boar
ILikePhotos!: Our Daily Challenge: Warm and Fuzzy Feelings