Hythe Eye: Our first Glimpse of Kolios Bay - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Cleopatra Butterfly - Gonepteryx cleopatra
Hythe Eye: Kolios Beach - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Shades and Sunbeds - Ag Paraskevi
Hythe Eye: Climbing up the Hillside - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Guarding the old Port of Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Skiathos Town from the Port
Hythe Eye: Lined up for Your Pleasure - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Water Taxi Leaving Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Local Fishing Boats - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Relaxing above the old port - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Skiathos Town Street!
Hythe Eye: One of the Many Streets in Skiathos Town
Hythe Eye: Spice and Herb Seller - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Church of St Nicholas above Skiathos
Hythe Eye: The Clock Tower - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: View from the Clock Tower - Skiathos Old Port
Hythe Eye: Bourtzi - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: High View from the Final Step towards Skiathos Airport
Hythe Eye: Boiling the Flowers
Hythe Eye: More Holiday Makers Arrive
Hythe Eye: Nearly Touch Down!
Hythe Eye: Climbing the Streets
Hythe Eye: Ready to Land!
Hythe Eye: The Windmill - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Banana Beach - Skiathos
Hythe Eye: Paying for our Bus Tickets
Hythe Eye: Ag Paraskevi Beach
Hythe Eye: Six Pairs of Knickers!
Hythe Eye: Skiathos