Hythe Eye: Eye of the Night
Hythe Eye: Tower Bridge
Hythe Eye: Tower Bridge 21st Centuary.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria in Southampton - 7th December, 2007.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria in Southampton - 7th December, 2007.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria in Southampton - 7th December, 2007.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria in Southampton - 7th December, 2007.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria in Southampton - 7th December, 2007.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria - Naming Ceremony 10th December, 2007 - Southampton.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria - Naming Ceremony 10th December, 2007 - Southampton.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria - Naming Ceremony 10th December, 2007 - Southampton.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria - Naming Ceremony 10th December, 2007 - Southampton.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria - Her Maiden Voyage to Rotterdam..
Hythe Eye: Fireworks as the Queen Victoria sets sail for New York - 6th January 2008.
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria as she sails towards QE2
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria as she passes QE2 on her way to New York
Hythe Eye: Queen Victoria as she passes Queen Elizabeth 2 - 6th January, 2008.
Hythe Eye: St John's Church, Hythe
Hythe Eye: Hythe at Night
Hythe Eye: Hythe at Night
Hythe Eye: Hythe at Night
Hythe Eye: Two Pillar Boxes
Hythe Eye: Night Walking
Hythe Eye: Guess Where?
Hythe Eye: The Platform that is a Railway Station!
Hythe Eye: Balice Airport Railway Platform
Hythe Eye: Krakow Railway Station - No Sign of Life!
Hythe Eye: Kosciol Mariacki (St Mary's Church)
Hythe Eye: Kosciol Mariacki (St Mary's Church)
Hythe Eye: Kosciol Mariacki (St Mary's Church)