hyperjet: My Dad and Uncle. 4H club, 1947
hyperjet: Uncle Clay
hyperjet: "I better get the big window scraper"
hyperjet: Tr and Darren
hyperjet: Tr, Prospector Pete, and Gracie
hyperjet: My cousins and son Josh harrassing Santa
hyperjet: My grandpa Lloyd and his favorite toy
hyperjet: Yes, there was lots of popcorn to clean up
hyperjet: Save the last dance for Meee-e-ehe-he-eee
hyperjet: The gang at Chrismas
hyperjet: Josh and Tr. Talladega Speedway
hyperjet: Y'all listen up! I'm tryin' to sing!
hyperjet: Tr and brother, Darren
hyperjet: My family
hyperjet: Wedding photo
hyperjet: Face off
hyperjet: I didn't fall off once!
hyperjet: Tr: Contimplating something evil
hyperjet: Brothers
hyperjet: That damn camera again
hyperjet: Carl: Taking advantage of Frilly enjoying a Sunday afternoon.
hyperjet: Raven
hyperjet: At work
hyperjet: Tr and Dane
hyperjet: Tr Looking rather stuffy.
hyperjet: Tr and Steve
hyperjet: One I took a long time ago