hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Trouble Clef: Finding their roots
hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Tr with TC - 1999
hyperjet: Trouble Clef: Conundrum release party. Atlantic Beach, Fl. 8/04
hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Big John: Wired
hyperjet: Y'all listen up! I'm tryin' to sing!
hyperjet: Trouble Clef 10/04
hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Trouble Clef Guitarists
hyperjet: Rod, Ratchet and John at Tr's wedding
hyperjet: Trouble Clef Promo
hyperjet: Thank goodness there was water....
hyperjet: Apology None
hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Trouble clef
hyperjet: Tr: Had enough of that studio crap
hyperjet: Tr: Getting thrown out of band
hyperjet: My band "Apology None" Live on The Ned Shrullivan Show
hyperjet: Tr sounding kind of muddy....
hyperjet: My band Trouble Clef at one of our CD release parties.
hyperjet: And on the third day, we got ELO
hyperjet: ELO's Kelly Groucutt R.I.P.
hyperjet: Song Wars Honorable Mention Award
hyperjet: Timmy bogged down in Trouble Clef Photo Shoot 5-08
hyperjet: My Ovation Legend 12-String Guitar
hyperjet: My capstone presentaion including ty-dye made by Gracie