hyperjet: Draconian Mk II
hyperjet: Trouble Clef Guitarists
hyperjet: Gracie and Tr
hyperjet: Save the last dance for Meee-e-ehe-he-eee
hyperjet: Tr and Josh, Halloween 2006
hyperjet: I don't have a title for this one
hyperjet: -sigh- Monsters....
hyperjet: Gotham
hyperjet: Tr and Josh
hyperjet: Tr: Halloween 1995
hyperjet: Trouble Clef
hyperjet: Draconian Contour test
hyperjet: Draconian (original version)
hyperjet: Draconian
hyperjet: Mark Singer and Tr
hyperjet: Tr, Michael Winslow and Josh
hyperjet: Halloween 1992
hyperjet: Hydration break
hyperjet: Gasping at Reflection
hyperjet: no, I didn't have any
hyperjet: Insanity reached. Eyeballs painted.
hyperjet: Tr the cursed ghost pirate reptilian monster thing
hyperjet: Most Popular Man Award
hyperjet: SP32-17195
hyperjet: Me, Xena and Gabrielle before parade