hypercatalecta: We're super excited about our first group show in Hamburg, #funfairseverywhere. The opening will take place at @milchfeinkost on June 16, at 7pm. There will be beer from @vonfreude and wine from @tvinode. The exhibit features 18 epic #funfairseverywhere p
hypercatalecta: 34 degrees Celsius this afternoon. After a boring, cool spring in Hamburg it feels amazing to be out and about in the blazing sun.
hypercatalecta: The one that got away. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: After-hours.
hypercatalecta: When the photo gear you bring to the playground weighs more than the kid you're photographing.
hypercatalecta: Favorite part about the zoo: The chair enclosure. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Planet of the apes. (Well, orangutans, really.)
hypercatalecta: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
hypercatalecta: Knotted.
hypercatalecta: Pinkery.
hypercatalecta: Greenery.
hypercatalecta: Summering. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Visit @thisaintartschool to find out how you can sneak your favorite fun fair photo into our upcoming group show at @milchfeinkost. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg #funfairseverywhere
hypercatalecta: Ice skating no more. Also: a barely visible toppled bench, see yesterday's shot. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Pissed. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Master of chaos. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Master plumber. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: BBQ master. #misplacedchairgallery #whpmydailyroute
hypercatalecta: Slasher and Vixen. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Comforts of home, discarded. #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: See you soon. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: Ready, set, go. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: Home sweet home. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: Flat-lined roller coaster. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: False fronts. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: Package deal. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: The irony: I used to be relieved when the gaudy and loud fun fair moved on. Now I mourn the loss of my favorite photo op - until summer, that is. #seemslikeitsalwaysdominhamburg
hypercatalecta: Vantage point. #rovingchairsofplantenunblomen #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: Then there was rain. #rovingchairsofplantenunblomen #misplacedchairgallery
hypercatalecta: They are back! #rovingchairsofplantenunblomen #misplacedchairgallery