hyku: Bok Tower at Dusk
hyku: Bok Tower at Dusk
hyku: Bok Tower at Dusk
hyku: Bok Tower at Dusk
hyku: Bok Tower at Dusk
hyku: Bok Tower at Dusk
hyku: Bok Reflection
hyku: Concert Crowd
hyku: Stage Left
hyku: 1 Hour to Go
hyku: Pre Concert Picnic
hyku: Tower in the Background
hyku: Gathering Crowd
hyku: Setting Sun
hyku: From Stage Left
hyku: ISO Stage
hyku: Our Vantage Point
hyku: From the Right
hyku: Lake Wales Groves
hyku: Looking Back at Tower
hyku: Bok Tower at Sunset
hyku: Bok Tower at 7:30 pm