Ghos Ihl Nakba: Brutti, sporchi e cattivi (i wanna be sedated)
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Capelloni, drogati e invasati (bad brain)
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Medea's shirt
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Medea and the hand of "Dio Ronnie James" (she's the one)
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Metal eyes (i remember you)
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Judy is a punk
Ghos Ihl Nakba: I wanna be Well
Ghos Ihl Nakba: I wanna be a good boy
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Naples rock
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Hard rock (come back she cried a.k.a. i walk out)
Ghos Ihl Nakba: The black lion (i don't wanna walk around with you)
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Look my hand
Ghos Ihl Nakba: You're gonna kill that girl
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Sheena is a punk rocker
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Now i wanna sniff some glue
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Hand Punk
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Teenage Lobotomy
Ghos Ihl Nakba: I wanna be your boyfriend
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Carbona not glue
Ghos Ihl Nakba: Suzy is a headbanger