Gobdol: Ithaca IS Cold.
Gobdol: Herman as a Groomsman
Gobdol: Us
Gobdol: Livin' the dream.
Gobdol: In Thailand
Gobdol: In China
Gobdol: Luke... I Am Your ... Bunny
Gobdol: Us - South Park Style
Gobdol: Spinning and Spinning
Gobdol: As the World Turns
Gobdol: My World is Spinning
Gobdol: Wee!
Gobdol: Pondering
Gobdol: To My Swing Instructor
Gobdol: Me
Gobdol: Arresting
Gobdol: Strike a Pose
Gobdol: Reflections
Gobdol: My Beautiful Wife
Gobdol: Portrait Session
Gobdol: Portrait Session
Gobdol: Hug an Elephant
Gobdol: I love Ger
Gobdol: Merry Christmas!
Gobdol: Us
Gobdol: Top of the Arch
Gobdol: Pondering
Gobdol: What Duh?
Gobdol: I Love that Smile!
Gobdol: Top of the Arch