Schocken Photography: Least Bittern in the Reeds
Schocken Photography: Hangin' in the Reeds (Explored)
Schocken Photography: Great Horned Owl
Schocken Photography: Young Barred Owl (Strix varia)
Schocken Photography: Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea)
Schocken Photography: The Chase is On
Schocken Photography: Least Bittern, Unobstructed View
Schocken Photography: Osprey in Flight
Schocken Photography: In the Greenery
Schocken Photography: Finally, a decent shot of a least bittern and in flight, no less!
Schocken Photography: A Soaring Beauty aka "The Coolest Bird on the Planet"
Schocken Photography: Osprey Coming
Schocken Photography: Male Pileated Woodpecker from a Different Perspective
Schocken Photography: Hello, My Friend, Hello (Explored)
Schocken Photography: Secret in the Reeds
Schocken Photography: Surprise Visitor to Backyard
Schocken Photography: Surprise in the Backyard
Schocken Photography: Nature's Best
Schocken Photography: A Brief Layover
Schocken Photography: On High Alert
Schocken Photography: Good Enough Spot as Any
Schocken Photography: Snowy's Attempt at Walking on Water
Schocken Photography: Red-shouldered Hawk
Schocken Photography: Snowy Squared
Schocken Photography: American Bald Eagle
Schocken Photography: Magnificent Hummingbird
Schocken Photography: Female Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
Schocken Photography: Cactus Wrens (in explore)