h willome: Coachella Valley preserve
h willome: Coachella Valley Preserve
h willome: Coachella Valley Preserve
h willome: Coachella Valley Preserve
h willome: Coachella Valley Preserve
h willome: Coachella Valley Preserve
h willome: Dead branches
h willome: Willis Palms
h willome: Willis Palms
h willome: Willis Palms
h willome: Willis Palms
h willome: Willis Palms
h willome: Cottonwood Springs
h willome: Cottonwood Springs
h willome: Cottonwood Springs
h willome: Cottonwood Springs
h willome: Cottonwood Springs
h willome: Cottonwood Springs
h willome: mojave yucca
h willome: ocotilla
h willome: dead yucca
h willome: rocks and spines
h willome: cactus skeleton
h willome: trailside scene
h willome: ocotilla leaves and spines
h willome: mojave yucca
h willome: ocotilla
h willome: mojave yucca
h willome: mojave yucca