hwat: Park & Ride
hwat: A view Rake Biwa from Hama-ootsu
hwat: Wild train
hwat: Into the first tunnel
hwat: along the canal
hwat: along the canal
hwat: along the canal
hwat: Autumnal leaves
hwat: Out the second tunnel
hwat: Hinooka intake point
hwat: Into the third tunnel
hwat: Keage power plant
hwat: Keage Incline
hwat: Out the third tunnel
hwat: Keage Incline
hwat: Keage Incline
hwat: Nanzen-ji
hwat: Nanzen-In Zen temple
hwat: Nanzen-In Garden
hwat: Nanzen-In Garden
hwat: Nanzen-In Garden
hwat: Nanzen-In Garden
hwat: Nijo-dori street