TheHuxCapacitor: Gary Stewart and Ellen (Escapade)
TheHuxCapacitor: Great also to see the ace Rosie Doonan get up with @trippingholes #cuckoosfest #astringofattractivegirlsaccompanying
TheHuxCapacitor: The hole in my guitar.
TheHuxCapacitor: The hole in my guitar
TheHuxCapacitor: The "April" dafodils are looking good!
TheHuxCapacitor: Passed over Vauxhall Bridge. Beautiful day.
TheHuxCapacitor: Just arrived for @EastLeedsFM #musicathon it's carnage but their buns rock! Listen in at
TheHuxCapacitor: He Man Ding
TheHuxCapacitor: Expensive
TheHuxCapacitor: Guitars and Jacket
TheHuxCapacitor: Check in with the @EastLeedsFM: #musicathon at Tigers That Talked on right now. Some other band on in a bit too ;)