Kevin Hutchinson: Early morning walking meditation
Kevin Hutchinson: YMCA of the Rockies
Kevin Hutchinson: Mountains on the horizon
Kevin Hutchinson: Moose or Elk?
Kevin Hutchinson: Moose or Elk?
Kevin Hutchinson: Morning sunbreak
Kevin Hutchinson: Morning sunbreak
Kevin Hutchinson: Morning mystery
Kevin Hutchinson: Clouds on fire
Kevin Hutchinson: Sun shining on mountains
Kevin Hutchinson: New day, new sky
Kevin Hutchinson: Breakfast by the lake
Kevin Hutchinson: Lake becoming illuminated
Kevin Hutchinson: Bridge over the stream
Kevin Hutchinson: Sun shine under heavy clouds
Kevin Hutchinson: Still rock, flowing ripples
Kevin Hutchinson: Still rock, flowing ripples
Kevin Hutchinson: Sister Dang Nghiem meditating
Kevin Hutchinson: Lake and grass and happy ducks
Kevin Hutchinson: Lake and grass and more ducks
Kevin Hutchinson: Lake and grass and ducks
Kevin Hutchinson: Lake and grass
Kevin Hutchinson: Quack quack!
Kevin Hutchinson: Monks and sangha relaxing
Kevin Hutchinson: It's that chap yet again
Kevin Hutchinson: Still lake
Kevin Hutchinson: Lake up a mountain
Kevin Hutchinson: Mountain flowers