therealhussy: DSC_9474
therealhussy: Denis Wailing
therealhussy: DSC_9325
therealhussy: Drummers On Fire
therealhussy: DSC_9217
therealhussy: Set List
therealhussy: DSC_9185
therealhussy: This guitar goes up to 11
therealhussy: Pearl Drumkit
therealhussy: Pearl's a Drummer
therealhussy: DSC_9159
therealhussy: DSC_9194
therealhussy: DSC_9206
therealhussy: DSC_9214
therealhussy: DSC_9239
therealhussy: DSC_9238
therealhussy: DSC_9264
therealhussy: DSC_9299
therealhussy: Bass Solo
therealhussy: DSC_9287
therealhussy: Relaxing Before the Show
therealhussy: DSC_9182
therealhussy: Some of my best friends are German
therealhussy: DSC_9466
therealhussy: The Slide Thing
therealhussy: DSC_9478
therealhussy: DSC_9167
therealhussy: DSC_9452