therealhussy: Washington Cathedral
therealhussy: Washing Cathedral
therealhussy: Abraham Lincoln
therealhussy: DSC_8029
therealhussy: DSC_8024
therealhussy: Occidental Prohibition Era Happy Hour
therealhussy: Decked out in flags
therealhussy: Watergate
therealhussy: From the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol
therealhussy: Washington Monument
therealhussy: DSC_6770
therealhussy: Lincoln Memorial
therealhussy: DSC_6724
therealhussy: DSC_6715
therealhussy: The White House
therealhussy: Obama T-shirt at the White House
therealhussy: Treasury
therealhussy: Protestors at the White House
therealhussy: DSC_6675
therealhussy: Guantanamo Protestor at the White House
therealhussy: Anti-Guantánamo Protesters at the White House
therealhussy: DSC_6696
therealhussy: Pennsylvania Ave and Executive Park
therealhussy: Crab burger at Ollie's Trolley
therealhussy: DSC_6774
therealhussy: Juxtaposition
therealhussy: DSC_6779
therealhussy: DSC_6757
therealhussy: DSC_6728
therealhussy: DSC_6984