therealhussy: aDSC_5157
therealhussy: aDSC_5162
therealhussy: aDSC_5164
therealhussy: aDSC_5169
therealhussy: This is my good side
therealhussy: aDSC_5177
therealhussy: Run better
therealhussy: aDSC_5194
therealhussy: Quietly confident
therealhussy: Poseur
therealhussy: aDSC_5209
therealhussy: aDSC_5227
therealhussy: aDSC_5228
therealhussy: Don't point that camera at me
therealhussy: aDSC_5242
therealhussy: Yes we can
therealhussy: Up for it
therealhussy: aDSC_5249
therealhussy: Nearly ready to run!
therealhussy: RAAAAWWWWRRRRR
therealhussy: high five