Hurricane G: Me and Nic
Hurricane G: Self Portrait
Hurricane G: Me and my friend Nic
Hurricane G: My Uncle
Hurricane G: Charles
Hurricane G: Blerimi
Hurricane G: My nephew and my Grandma
Hurricane G: Kosovo Independence
Hurricane G: The green eye
Hurricane G: Vllau i Albit
Hurricane G: My Self
Hurricane G: Samiri
Hurricane G: Halloween party
Hurricane G: Halloween party
Hurricane G: Halloween party
Hurricane G: Shabia B&W
Hurricane G: Halloween party
Hurricane G: Halloween party
Hurricane G: Friend of mine smoking
Hurricane G: Children playing
Hurricane G: Deep thoughts
Hurricane G: Charles
Hurricane G: Somebody doesnt like camera
Hurricane G: My bro B&W
Hurricane G: Orhani in B&W
Hurricane G: Shabia
Hurricane G: Shawn thinking