hurleygurley: The WAVE
hurleygurley: The Spring Rushing Down - Can You Hear It?
hurleygurley: A Conversation among the sun, the sky, the clouds, the trees, the water and all that lives beneath the surface ~
hurleygurley: Swamp Tableaux
hurleygurley: Branch reflections undulating in the spring catch
hurleygurley: Afternoon Delight
hurleygurley: My breath, where'd it go...
hurleygurley: The day began around here.
hurleygurley: Liquid Gold
hurleygurley: beautiful stagnation
hurleygurley: Magic Hour on the Bay
hurleygurley: Frondly
hurleygurley: Un Autre Inspiration from Lawatt(er) Gurl
hurleygurley: Swaying Grasses on the Rippling River
hurleygurley: stagnation blue green